Retrospective analysis of short-term outcomes in kidney transplantation for graft rejection risk assessment


kidney transplantation
graft rejection
HLA matching

How to Cite

Hashimova UF, Sholan RF, Gaisina AA, Safikhanova KM. Retrospective analysis of short-term outcomes in kidney transplantation for graft rejection risk assessment. Azerb. J. Physiol. 2024;39(1). doi:10.59883/ajp.84


The study was performed to explore the prospects of using the patient database analysis to enhance the matching algorithm and improve the evaluation of rejection risks by incorporating specific data points into an assessment scale. Our study has revealed that gender of recipients and age of donors, but not HLA matching     were the most important factors for graft survival. This data may have implications for refining transplant protocols, patient selection criteria, and post-transplant care strategies to enhance overall success rates. The comparative analysis of clinical and laboratory parameters of patients with KT has revealed the candidate predictors for the development of a multivariable prognostic model, which is a crucial step in patients management and decision making. It has also become evident that the standard set of clinical and laboratory tests lacks sufficient informativeness, and searching for new innovative biomarkers for effective risk assessment and prognosis is of outstanding importance.
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