The effects of heavy metals on the developing brain
Azerbaijan Journal of Physiology


heavy metals
developing brain
neurotropic agents

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Inozemtsev AN, Hashimova UF, Ismayilova KY, Karpukhina OV, Inozemtsev Fermin YA, Rustamov FE, Ibrahimov RI. The effects of heavy metals on the developing brain. Azerb. J. Physiol. 2022;37(1):7-16. doi:10.59883/ajp.5


The present paper reviews the works on the combined effects of heavy metals (HMs) with other HMs, stress, and neurotropic drugs on the developing central nervous systems of humans and animals performed over the past 30 years. The analysis shows that there are disproportionately few works on the mentioned joint effects of HMs in relation to the importance of this issue. It was found that the joint administration of HMs with each other and under stress increases the neurotoxic effect of metals on the brain of animals. A greater vulnerability to the neurotoxic effects of HM mixtures on the developing brain was also noted. Neurotropic drugs in combination with HMs have multidirectional effects. Thus, along with the counteraction of the reference nootropic piracetam to the inhibition of the avoidance response in rats, which is exerted by HMs, there was an increase in the neurotoxic effects of lead and cadmium salts when combined with that nootropic. Combined administration of Semax (a regulatory peptide with nootropic effects) and molybdenum, which separately suppressed the avoidance response in rats, paradoxically improved learning and memory. The revealed unpredictability and enhancement of the neurotoxic effects of HMs when combined with neurotropic agents are fraught with danger to human health in regions with developed industries. This is especially important for the health of children due to the increased vulnerability of their developing brains to neurotoxicants.


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