Morphological and genotoxic analysis of fish of the Okhchuchay River in Zangilan District
Zangilan District, Okhchuchay River


Zangilan District
Okhchuchay River
Oxynoemacheilus brandtii

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Hashimova UF, Ragimova NG, Yusifova SL, Ganbarli EK, Gumbatov SI, Palatnikov GM. Morphological and genotoxic analysis of fish of the Okhchuchay River in Zangilan District. Azerb. J. Physiol. 2022;37(2):20-27. doi:10.59883/ajp.31


In July 2022, monitoring of the transboundary Okhchuchay River was carried out from the borders with Armenia deep into the Zangilan District of Azerbaijan. The Okhchuchay River is playing the role of an industrial waste collector, as it is constantly polluted with waste from the Kafan and Gajaran mining industries in Armenia. From the five monitoring points studied, only two specimens of Oxynoemacheilus brandtii were caught. For morphological and genotoxic studies, samples of peripheral blood, liver, and gills were taken. The analysis showed that in the gills of Oxynoemacheilus brandtii, hyperplasia of the interlamellar epithelium and respiratory epithelium of secondary lamellae, complete fusion of secondary lamellae, uneven distribution of hyperplasia of secondary lamellae, and detachment of the respiratory epithelium were detected. Expansion of sinusoids, melanomacrophage centers, and necrotic changes were revealed in the liver. When examining the blood, among the changes in the structure of the nucleus of erythrocytes, karyolysis, karyorrhexis, deformation of the nucleus, parietal nuclei, eccentric nuclei, and hemoglobin breakdown were observed. The obtained data confirm the catastrophic ecological state of the Okhchuchay basin.


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