Study of clinical and immunological parameters for local infectious inflammatory diseases and sepsis in infants


local infectious inflammatory diseases

How to Cite

Gurbanov GA, Magerramova SG. Study of clinical and immunological parameters for local infectious inflammatory diseases and sepsis in infants. Azerb. J. Physiol. 2024;39(1). doi:10.59883/ajp.85


The article is devoted to the study of clinical and laboratory indicators of infants with sepsis and local infectious inflammatory diseases (LIID). During the study, complex clinical and immunological examinations were conducted on 487 sick and 40 healthy infants in three age groups. It was found that clinical and immunological factors play an important role in the development of local infectious inflammatory diseases with sepsis during the infancy period. Based on the data of the immunological analysis, the degree of development of the allergy plays a major role in the development of LIID and sepsis. Analysis of individual indicators of humoral immunity showed that in only 5 (29.4%) patients the serum IgA concentration was higher than the upper limit of age, and in 8 patients (47.0%) IgM was higher than the upper limit of age, in 5 patients (29.4%) IgG levels were below the lower limit of the norm. An increase in serum IgE above the upper limit of age was observed in 10 patients (58.8%), and the amount of disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) and their average molecular components was observed in 11 (64.1%) infants.  These changes are manifested by an increase in the number of CD8+ T-suppressors and a decrease in other immunological parameters, CD3+ (T-lymphocytes), CD4+ (T-helpers), CD14 and CD16 cells, as well as the immune regulation index and LBTR (lymphocyte blast transformation reaction). Immunological markers in blood plasma also play an important role in the determination of the pathogenetic mechanism of LIID and sepsis in infants. Thus, the obtained results provide additional opportunities for evaluating the development of bronchopulmonary pathologies in infants.The studied indicators can be an objective criterion for the formation of the risk group of children with lung diseases developing LIID and sepsis.
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