Status of coagulation system in adolescent rats exposed to hypoxia during prenatal development
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Açar sözlər

pre- və postnatal ontogenez

Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

Jafarova GG. Status of coagulation system in adolescent rats exposed to hypoxia during prenatal development. Azerb. J. Physiol. 2023;38(1):19-24. doi:10.59883/ajp.51


The goal of the research was to investigate the physiological indicators in the hemostasis of adult offspring developed in prenatal hypoxia conditions. Chronic hypoxia conditions were created during different periods of the pregnancy. Three-month-old white rats that completed the period of puberty were used in the experiments. Clinical analyses of the main indicators of the coagulation system were performed to assess the state of the hemostasis system. The effect of intrauterine hypoxia on the "mother-fetus" relationship was manifested by prolonged pathological changes in the blood coagulation and expressed changes in the liver parenchyma at the later stages of development.
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