The activity of GABA-T enzyme in the brain of rats in postnatal ontogenesis exposed to hypoxia during fetal period
Azerbaijan Journal of Physiology
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cortex of the cerebral hemispheres
medulla oblongata

How to Cite

Aliyeva NN. The activity of GABA-T enzyme in the brain of rats in postnatal ontogenesis exposed to hypoxia during fetal period. Azerbaijan Journal of Physiology. 2022;37(1):22-29. doi:10.59883/ajp.4


In the presented article, the effect of hypoxia in prenatal ontogenesis on the activity of the GABA-T enzyme in various structures of the brain of 17-day-old, 1-month-old, and 3-month-old rats in the postnatal period of development was investigated. In experiments, the cortex of the cerebral hemispheres, cerebellum, hypothalamus, medulla oblongata, and midbrain were studied. It was found that in control animals, a high level of activity of the GABA-T enzyme is noted in the hypothalamus and cerebellum compared with other studied structures. It was found that hypoxia suffered by rats in the fetal period causes significant changes in the activity of the GABA-T enzyme, especially expressed in the hypothalamus and cortex of the cerebral hemispheres. In 17-day-old and 1-month-old rats that underwent prenatal hypoxia, in comparison with 3-month-old animals, the enzymatic activity in the studied brain structures decreased to a greater extent. The activity of the GABA-T enzyme was partially restored in the brain structures of three-month-old animals subjected to hypoxia during the fetal period. A decrease in the activity of the GABA-T enzyme leads to an increase in GABA. GABA is involved in compensatory-adaptive reactions. An increase in GABA content promotes the activation of inhibition processes in the brain, protecting nerve cells from death. As a result, GABA protects brain cells from destruction under hypoxic conditions in prenatal ontogenesis.
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