Influence of geomagnetic perturbations on the mental activity of 50-60 years old women
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frequency-amplitude analysis
index analysis
mental activity
calm days
weak magnetic storms

How to Cite

Allahverdiyeva AA, Allahverdiyev AR. Influence of geomagnetic perturbations on the mental activity of 50-60 years old women. Azerb. J. Physiol. 2022;37(2):41-46. doi:10.59883/ajp.34


In the present work personalized and total group analysis of the bioelectric activity of the brain (EEG) of 50-60-year-old women on geomagnetically quiet days and periods of heliogeomagnetic fluctuations. 10-second EEG segments of the right and left hemispheres with closed eyes in a relaxed state, and with mental stress created by counting in the mind were analyzed. Mental stress was created by presenting to women an arithmetic problem to solve in the mind. Thus, the rearrangement of EEG indicators, traced under mental stress both in geomagnetically calm and periods of geomagnetic storms, indicates a shift in the synchronizing and desynchronizing mechanisms of nonspecific brain systems that are in balance at rest in the direction of activation mechanisms. On calm days, the processes of activation of the high-frequency beta rhythm are characterized by locality, affecting the frontal and temporal leads; during periods with heliogeomagnetic fluctuations, the activation is diffuse, affecting the beta-1 and beta-2 ranges. Diffuse reduction of the index and a slowing in the frequency of the theta rhythm during periods of geomagnetic storms, in contrast to the increase of the theta rhythm index on days without storms, indicate less extent of successful solution of the task.
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