Investigation of the isoenzyme spectrum of lactate dehydrogenase in the brain regions under the influence of chronic exposure to decimeter electromagnetic waves (460 MHs)
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electromagnetic waves
brain structures
lactate dehydrogenase (LDH)
isozyme spectrum

How to Cite

Panakhova KG, Yusifov EY, Bayramova SD, Ibrahimova JK, Majidova SB. Investigation of the isoenzyme spectrum of lactate dehydrogenase in the brain regions under the influence of chronic exposure to decimeter electromagnetic waves (460 MHs). Azerb. J. Physiol. 2022;37(2):53-58. doi:10.59883/ajp.30


The article is devoted to the study of the isoenzyme spectrum of the enzyme lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) in tissue homogenate and cytosol fraction of the visual and limbic areas of the cerebral cortex of white rats under the influence of chronic radiation of non-ionizing electromagnetic waves. The article is devoted to the study of the isoenzyme spectrum of the enzyme lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) in tissue homogenate and cytosol fraction of the visual and limbic areas of the cerebral cortex of white rats under the influence of chronic radiation of non-ionizing electromagnetic waves. It was observed an increase in the amount of anaerobic (LDH4.5) isofraction in the tissue homogenate of the limbic cortex; while in the cytosolic fraction - in both studied areas (optical, limbic) in rats exposed to radiation during both periods of the study (7 and 14 days), compared to the control group.  The results of the conducted studies show that the glycolytic pathway of carbohydrate metabolism was enhanced by the action of chronic radiation of non-ionizing electromagnetic waves, and the high content of lactic acid accumulated in the brain tissue causes changes in the isoenzyme spectrum of LDH, accompanied by an increase in LDH4,5 isofraction.
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